“Usha Dwarkadas Pathrikar Institute of Pharmacy”,Dongagaon(Kawad),is established in the year 2016, Under the chairmanship of Mr. Dwarkadas Y. Pathrikar. He has promoted several educational institutions under the Trust. The college is located in a beautiful campus at Dongargaon (Kawad), Tq. Phulambri Dist. Aurangabad. The campus is spread over in 3 acres of land in a calm & quiet natural habitat. Dongargaon (Kawad) is well connected to all corners by local bus services. Our strength is highly experienced and well-qualified faculty; the state-of-the art facilities and infrastructure are our strengths


To become a premier, recognized institute by excelling in pharmacy education for creating the dynamic,competent, valued, socially responsible and knowledgeable Professionals, who shall contribute in the nation building process and enrich their lives.


To achieve Excellency in Pharmacy pedagogy and research, through student centric quality education, state-of-art research facility and holistic growth of students, to develop skilled pharmacy professional for strengthening the healthcare of the nation.


  • To provide sufficient understanding of scientific principles and techniques of pharmaceutical sciences.
  • To introduce innovative programs in emerging areas.
  • To develop commitment for the quest of science.
  • To develop multidisciplinary research platform.
  • To provide comprehensive knowledge and experience.
  • To provide consultancy services in areas of pharmaceutical sciences.
  • To provide exposure to latest techniques and technologies.
  • To teach pharmacy ethics to students
  • To cater manpower for globally growing pharmaceutical industry and for implementation of drug laws for compliance to regulatory norms